How to Use this Wiki
IMPORTANT! To make changes, you will need to use the following password: nptech
- How do I create a new page? The easiest way is to click on the link on the menu bar at the top of the page that says "Create New Page." Name your page and then submit and start adding information.
- How Do I Edit a Page? Go to any page you wish to edit and click on the link in the menu bar that says "Edit Page." Add your information to the page and then click the "Preview" button to check your work. You can re-edit if necessary and then click on "Save." You can add formatting (like "Bold," "Underlining," etc. by using the format buttons at the top of the page.
- How Do I add a Link to a Page? To add a link, go into "Edit" mode and place your cursor where you want to add the link. Type in an open bracket like this: [ Then paste the URL of the page you want to link to. Then put in a space after the URL and type in the words you would like to become a link. Then type in a close bracket, like this: ]
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