Training and Presentation Resources
This page includes resources for nonprofits that are looking for training materials to use with staff and others to teach them about Web 2.0.
This is a great video for introducing Web 2.0 and helping staff to understand that all technologies seem strange and intimidating at first.
General Web 2.0 Training Resources
When You Want to Introduce the Tools and Concepts
This 4-minute video from Michael Wesch is a nice introduction to what Web 2.0 means for users.
Beth Kanter of Beth's Blog has created a "wiki-tation" (a wiki-based presentation) on
10 Simple Steps to Association 2.0. It's a remix of Marnie Webb's presentation, 10 Ways to use Web 2.0 to Change the World. Be sure to check out each Step in the Wiki's left side-bar--that's where you'll find Beth's additional notes.
David Wilcox and Beth Kanter have put their presentation, Demystifying Web 2.0 Tools online at the Social Media Wiki. They also have a Social Media Game that they used to work with staff.
Teaching Staff (and others) How to Use the Tools
Learning 2.0 is an "online self-discovery program" developed by the Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenberg to
teach their staff how to use a variety of tools, including blogs, wikis, Flickr, RSS, etc. . The course is over, but others are encouraged to use their assignments, notes, etc. to develop their own course. The
Program Notes include helpful information on structuring and running the course. You can also read the
blogs created by the librarians who participated in the course to get an idea of their reactions and what they learned.
Teaching Blogging & Social Bookmarking:
Tony Karrer has a simple lesson on setting up and using a blog and using social bookmarking sites.
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