
Tools of Web 2 0

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 7 months ago

The Tools of Web 2.0


The foundation of your use of technology should be your organization's website. For more information on getting your site up to speed, go here.


Foundations of Web 2.0--Participatory Culture

Before you delve into the tools of Web 2.0, learn about the participatory culture that is its foundation.


You may also want to read this article from Idealware about how to assess whether or not your nonprofit should consider using one or more of these tools.



The Top 59 Nonprofits in Their Use of Web 2.0

NetSquared, GetActive and Squidoo have come up with a list of what they call the 59 Smartest Orgs Online:




"These charities were chosen for their excellence in online storytelling and collaboration with their donors. We didn't play favorites to one cause over another, nor did we look at their fundraising goals or number of members. Instead, these organizations are winners because of their web 2.0 smarts and a willingness to engage their constituents far beyond asking them to dig into their pockets.


These are organizations that give their volunteers and members a voice and get out of the way. They're pros at mobilizing awareness online. They're experimentors. Innovators. On a mission. They're fearless."


Before delving into the individual tools, you can visit the list here.



Now you can start thinking about using some of these tools:






  • RSS (Real Simple Syndication)



  • Podcasting--online "radio" shows that can be downloaded onto a computer or into an mp3 player or i-Pod.


  • Screencasting--Recording on-screen action to create tutorials, provide site guides, etc.





  • Productivity Tools--Web 2.0 is fabulous for boosting your personal and professional productivity.


  • Office 2.0--Increasingly you can use free and low-cost Web 2.0 tools to create an entire online office.



Most of these tools are either free or very low cost. They all use the Internet as the basic platform of service, so they can be accessed anytime, anywhere you have a computer with a browser and an Internet connection. While some can be used with a dial-up connection, most assume that the user has some sort of broadband Internet connection to allow for effective streaming of information.


You may also want to check out Do They Work? to find reviews of many of the most popular online tools.


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