
Staff Roles and Responsibilities

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 10 months ago

Staff Roles and Responsibilities in Web 2.0


 Web 2.0 creates new opportunities and roles and responsibilities for staff in nonprofits. These are not necessarily entirely separate jobs--many nonprofits simply don't have the resources to create whole new job titles. But current employees may need to take on some of these roles in order to ensure that your organizations gets the most out of social media.


New Resources/New Roles

Steve Bridger suggests that one new "job" is that of Buzz Director, someone who is in charge of monitoring and shaping the online "buzz" about your organization.


Social Reporter--an online facilitator who uses new social media tools. David Wilcolx explores the idea here and Beth Kanter has a take on that here.


Technology Steward--someone who works with users to help them see the ways that they could use Web 2.0 technologies. Nancy White is the leader in thinking about this area.  More info here with some examples here.

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