

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 7 months ago

Podcasting for Nonprofits

Podcasts are digital audio recordings that can be posted on a blog, at a website or on a subscription basis so that listeners can download your recording into their iPod or mp3 player.


Creating and Promoting Your Podcast

Try this PowerPoint:





TechSoup also as an excellent article on basic recording, editing and promotion of podcasts.



From Squidoo, this is an easy-to-follow tutorial on how to create your own podcast. MediaShift offers another helpful guide.


 Podcasting Tools and Tips

Britt Bravo shows how to use Skype to record phone interviews for podcasts.

Podcasting Ideas for Nonprofits

Seven Ways Nonprofits Can Use Podcasts

From Britt Bravo, some great ideas on how nonprofits can use podcasts.



The Royal British Legion Two Minute Silence

A podcast from the Royal British Legion remembers members of the military who have died with a brief poem and two minutes of silence.


Charity 2.0 Blog Network offers six examples of blog podcasts.


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